This podcast is all about exploring the ups and downs of life, wellness, resilience and everything in between through the art of conversation.
We'll also dive into deep discussions on existential questions, philosophical thoughts, and how we are apart of something bigger.
By sharing my experiences along with those of my guests, I hope to bring you inspiration, and a sense of direction through connection which may help the listener begin to understand and unravel some situations y’all may be facing or at the very least entertained by some of our topics.
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What Is The Human Path? - Herbal Medic - Sam Coffman - Ep 72
Welcome back! This week, we have the herbal medic Sam Coffman. How do we heal through intuition, belief and some of the innate abilities which makes us human.
I plan to have less coffee, and have Sam on again to allow him to get more into the weeds of the many tools he empowers his students with and how it changes their understanding of themselves and our world.
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Sam Coffman (MSAOM, RH[AHG], W-EMT) began his medical education in the US Army as a Green Beret Medic (18D) in 1989. Over the years that followed, he dedicated himself to being able to work with botanical medicine as a successful method to provide sustainable health care in remote and post-disaster regions for chronic, acute and physical trauma care. Since that time, Sam has taught herbalism for over 30 years and has worked as a clinical herbalist for over 15 years. His herbal clinic and apothecary are now located in Taos, NM along with his school.
In 2007, Sam founded Herbal Medics Academy (AKA The Human Path), which offers five primary herbalism programs - Clinical Herbalism, Austere Medicine, Advanced Medicine Making, Community Herbalism and Family Herbalism. Sam has developed over 1000 hours of curriculum, in addition to other curriculum developed by the 20 instructors working for his school part-time. As a few of the curriculum highlights of his school, Sam teaches the integration of herbal medicine with both functional medicine and austere medicine together with two medical doctors who also specialize in those areas. At the new Taos campus, Sam teaches many on-site medicine courses to include WFA and WFR certification, CERT certification, wilderness survival, TECC certification and a 12-day Herbal and Off-Grid Medicine Experience (HOME) course together with Dr. Steve Pehrson MD.
Sam and his wife Suchil also co-founded Herbal Medics in 2011 which is an outreach organization that gives their students and interns an opportunity to work in the field while providing free health care and education to underserved communities. They have worked in Nicaragua, Mexico and all over the USA both to provide post-disaster relief as well as provide free herbal clinics, education and sustainable medicine/food projects for underserved communities.
Sam currently serves on the board of Taos Search and Rescue (TSAR) and is also part of the canine search and rescue team together with his Belgian Tervuren dog, Lucy. His book “Herbal Medic” has been in the top 3 best-selling books for Storey Publishing for the past 2 years.
Websites -
Herbal Medics Academy (AKA The Human Path) & Herbal First Aid Gear
School - https://herbalmedics.academy
Store - https://herbalfirstaidgear.com
Herbal Medics Outreach Organization – https://herbalmedics.org
Herbal Medic Book - https://www.amazon.com/Herbal-Medic-Emergency-Medical-Preparedness/dp/1635861934/
Social Media -
FB – https://facebook.com/sam.coffman
HerbalMedics: Field Medicine and Community Enrichment (group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ahgherbalmedic)
Herbal Medics (page - https://www.facebook.com/HerbalMedics )
The Human Path (page -